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Joining UKFCU means you’re not just an account holder – you’re a valued member.
Online Banking Enrollment
Enrolling in UKFCU's Online Banking platform is easy and takes only a few minutes.
Before You Enroll
Accessing Bill Pay
If you need assistance with our Bill Pay platform, we’re here to help. Bill Pay Tutorial videos are available to help guide you through the process.
Should you need additional assistance, you can call our Bill Pay Support Line at 866-321-7215 for Bill Pay specific questions. You may also use the Live Chat feature for troubleshooting if you're already in the Bill Pay platform.
We've put together some helpful documents to guide you. Many common issues are browser-related, and the information below can help you get back on track quickly and easily.
Quicken & QuickBooks Support
With the transition to a new digital banking platform, Quicken and QuickBooks users will need to establish a new connection to online banking. First, you must re-enroll in the new digital banking platform. (Business members can re-enroll here.)
Once enrolled, you will complete the deactivate/reactivate of your online banking connection to ensure that your current Quicken or QuickBooks account is set up with the new connection.
Troubleshooting Tips
If you are experiencing any issues with your Quicken or QuickBooks connection, please review the information below.
Duplicate transfers after reconnecting
If you notice your register is out of balance, or you're being asked to add an adjustment after reconciliation, you may be experiencing duplication of your transaction. Below are tips to help resolve this issue.
Top QuickBooks Support Articles
Top Quicken Support Articles
Plan for where you'll be tomorrow with the money you have today.
Login below using your online baking credentials to open an account
You will need the following information in order to complete the application: