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When life's unexpected expenses arise, or you need a little family getaway, Skip-A-Pay is here for you.

Members may skip one loan payment, except on mortgages and credit cards, in a rolling calendar year for each loan they have with UKFCU.

To be eligible:

  • Members must be in good standing on all accounts
  • Loan must be open for at least three months

A $29.00 fee will be charged to Skip-A-Pay. Please call 859.264.4200 for more details.

* Loans ineligible for skip-a-pay include: Certificate Secured Loans, Note Loans, Cash Advantage Loans, Credit Cards, and all types of Real Estate Loans.

Investments with CUSO Financial Services

When it comes to your lifetime investments, you want to rely on someone you can have confidence in.

UKFCU investment services through CFS* help you make the most of your investment so you can live life to the fullest when it matters.

  • Advisory Investment Accounts
  • Financial Planning
  • Investment Strategy
  • Pre-and Post-Retirement Planning
  • And Much More

*Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through Cuso Financial Services, LP ("Cuso Financial") ("CFS") a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CUSO Financial are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment representatives are registered through CUSO Financial. The Credit Union has contracted with CUSO Financial for Investment services. Atria Wealth Solutions, Inc. ("Atria") is not a registered broker-dealer or Registered Investment Advisor. CUSO Financial is a subsidiary of Atria.

Become a UKFCU member today.

When you meet our qualifications, opening a membership is easy and you can join online.

Not a Member Yet?

Applying is fast and easy!

You will need the following information in order to complete the application:

  • Government issued ID/Drivers License/State ID or Passport with current address
  • Your complete physical and mailing address
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
Get Started