Become a UKFCU Member Today!
Joining UKFCU means you’re not just an account holder – you’re a valued member.
Earn as high as 4.00% APY* with the UKFCU High Yield Savings Account.
You're going to need a bigger piggy bank!
* Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are current as of 1.2.25. Membership eligibility required. $1,000 minimum balance required to open High Yield Savings Account (HYSA). HYSAs are tiered-rate accounts. The balance ranges for the tiers are: Tier 1 - $0 to $25,000 (4.00% APY); Tier 2 - $25,000.01 to $50,000 (0.50% APY); Tier 3 - $50,000.01 to $100,000 (0.75% APY); Tier 4 - $100,000.01 to $250,000 (1.00% APY) and; Tier 5 - $250,000.01+ (1.50% APY). HYSAs are blended-rate accounts, with only the amounts falling within each tier being eligible for applicable APY. Resulting APY ranges for each tier are: Tier 1 - 4.00%; Tier 2: 2.25% to 3.99%; Tier 3: 1.50% to 2.24%; Tier 4 - 1.20% to 1.49% and; Tier 5: Up to 1.49%. Fees may reduce earnings. Rates may change after an account has been opened. Limit of one HYSA per primary member's Social Security Number. Please see a representative for additional details, other restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA.
** NATIONAL AVERAGE: National Average APY is based on the “Savings/National Deposit Rates" line item on the “National Rates and Rate Caps” list provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as of 12/16/24. FDIC data is obtained from public sources; accuracy and completeness is not guaranteed. FDIC is not liable for reliance on the data.
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